20151212 Tims Death 008 034.jpg
20151212 Tims Death 004 019.jpg
20151212 Tims Death 013 047.jpg
20151212 Tims Death 020 071.jpg
 The hand is grabbing within the body as an expression of the pain a patient feels when undergoing chemo or other life prolonging methods. The pain is deep within you; not just surface level pain.
20151212 Tims Death 007 033.jpg
20151212 Tims Death 011 044.jpg
20151212 Tims Death 001 004.jpg
 About this Sculpture:   This sculpture is inspired by an interview and is a part of a bigger project. It is a comment on life prolonging methods in end-of-life care. There are many contributing factors to people choosing to prolong life as much
20151212 Tims Death 027 103.jpg
20151212 Tims Death 031 109.jpg
 Goal of Project/Work:  I enrolled in a Death & Dying class at San Francisco State in Spring 2014, I was inspired by Professor Hinerman and the class in general. Death is a conversation that needs to be started, it shouldn't have such a stigma or
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